Monday, March 23, 2009


I remember my first diet. Some of my girlfriends and I started freezing yogurt and putting it in our school locker for lunch, instead of eating whatever our mothers made us, or the school lunch. Yum. Yogurt . Nothing else for lunch.

Then, of course there was the sunflower seed diet. Eat other things if you had to, but the basics of the diet was sunflower seeds.

Then, Weight-Watchers. At least four times that I paid for, plenty of times that I didn't.

Nutri-system was a really good idea. I started Nutri-System which cost about $300 to join, about 23 years ago. They only had dehydrated food then. It probably wasn't a good idea to join right before I went to Club Med. That lasted one dehydrated meal at the "summer camp for adults".

I then decided I wasn't going to diet any more, so with my friends, we met at a "Diets Don't Work" weekly meeting. The most successful of the women there started using "Atkins" diet. I put on even more weight with that.

I then tried the "cabbage soup" diet. I remember that one well and so does my family. I started that right around the time the Winter Olympics was on. Even with beano, I wasn't fit to be with other humans. They locked me out of my own house and I had to watch the Olympics through the picture window in the living room. That was brutal! (and the fam would agree).

A few years ago, after finding out I had high blood pressure, I started a diet of my own design, the "is it gonna kill me diet". That lasted about a month. The idea was to not eat anything I thought would eventually kill me. Corned beef and cabbage ruined that. St. Patrick's Day, I'm a sucker for it. There's the end of "is it gonna kill me."

One diet that never works for me is "Trauma Trim". I may lose my appetite for a short period of time after major trauma, but it doesn't last long. It's worked great for a couple of friends of mine going thru divorce.

If "diet and exercise" really worked, wouldn't we all do it? I think it doesn't work. I think everybody has to decide what is right for them, what they feel in their souls and then do it. Most people are not 200 lbs overweight, or even 100 or even 50. Most overweight people are 20 to 30 lbs overweight, and they are just fine, thank you very much. They should just not worry and accept themselves.

The rest of us do need to think about it, and do what is right for themselves. That is what I am doing with "think fruit" and "take two" and that is going really well. Update on "think fruit" and "take two" next time.

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