Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Long, long ago in a faraway land (Grand Rapids, MI, 1982) a fair young maiden (me) went searching for the elixir of the Gods! Eureaka! "I have found it", she cried as she guzzled and wept with joy! And thus, began a love affair that she assumed would last till time eternity, but in actuality came to a screeching halt in February 2009.

As love affairs, this one was pretty good. 27 years! It began when I walked into a Meijer's grocery store and tried a new Coca-Cola product. DIET COKE. I remember that there was a display in the back corner of the store. Keturah, the baby was in the stroller and Rachel was chomping at the bit, holding mama's hand. A farm fresh Michigan girl offered me a taste test of the new product or Diet Pepsi. I first tried the Diet Pepsi, and let's face it, it is way the hell better than TAB, the only other diet product at the time. I then tried the other product, DIET COKE and there it was 'THE ELIXIR OF THE GODS'. She offered me a liter, and I gladly accepted. From then on, for 27 years, I was hooked.

It doesn't seem that at first I was completely addicted. I have no idea what I drank for the first 29 years of my life. Water, an occasional Orange Crush, or Hires Root Beer. I know I liked Squirt a lot, juice sometimes, but beginning that fateful day, it has been Diet Coke and nothing else.

Since I signed up for the freebies at the grocery store, I was inundated with free coupons, or dollar off coupons, and I used them all. I remember getting a free 24 pack of Diet Coke, and Diet Pepsi, not to be outdone began sending me freebies also. I once had a 24 pack of Diet Pepsi delivered to my door, which I did not sign up for or want. It was Diet Coke or nothing for me.

My father was also addicted to Diet Coke, at first it was regular Diet Coke, and then he switched to Caffeine Free Diet Coke. He had a closet full, and he liked it like I do, in the can, cold and on ice. In fact, he liked it so much that 12 years ago, at age 70, he passed away of kidney cancer. Of course, there is no proof, but my brother Hal insists, it was the Diet Coke that killed him.

I will have to give some credit to Hal regarding my freedom from addiction from Diet Coke. For years, he has taunted me with "So, are you still drinking the beverage that killed our father?" (Funny how he never called it "God's elixir" like I have). And until recently, I would always have to say "yes, yes I am".

So, how did I quit? Truthfully, I looked at the can in my hand around 3:30PM (afternoon pickup) at work- said outloud "I don't need this crap anymore" and threw it into the trashcan.
And that was it...

Wow! What happened? Frankly, I have no idea. I have read the literature about how bad it is, I have berated myself for years for my addiction, I have given it up for a month at a time suffering from mind-crushing headaches and mind-boggling cravings. And now? Nada, none of that, a few minor headaches, a couple of sips to stay awake and to test the power of Diet Coke. But, now -gone. Can I say I will never be addicted to this substance anymore? Yes, I can. Can I say I will never have another drink again? No, I might but, and it's a big but, I just don't want to anymore, and that my friends is a true miracle.

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