Sunday, October 21, 2012


I'm BACK!!!  How many of you now have the James Brown song "Get Up Offa Yo Feet" in your head?  "I'm back! I'm back" doodleloodledoodleloodlelo" in your head?  None? That's how my mind works, if this seems disjointed.

Well, I'm back.  My last post was in March 2009.  I'm back, and I'm blogging about the same' ol, same 'ol.  Body images, diet, etc.  Nothing has changed, I'm still fat and out of shape.  BUT... things have changed up a bit at home.  My mom has moved in with me.  No kids live with me anymore..  My mom has probably lost 30 lbs since she moved in, and my husband has lost about 50 lbs in the last couple of years.  There's a trick to this!  Get up early and stay up late and don't let the other family members take any food that you think is yours.  Hog it all!

How can they live in the same house as me and lose weight?  I don't get it.  Well, every man or woman for himself in my house is the way we do it.  I guess, mom and John have SELF-CONTROL and don't drive to junk food places for lunch, like I do.   Mom doesn't drive at all and John's car is on the fritz, so that explains it.  EVIL LAUGH INJECTED JUST ABOUT NOW! Bwaa haa haa haa HA!

When I reread the posts of 2009, I think they are ridiculous plans.  "Well, of course, that doesn't work, well yeah...etc. etc. etc."  I backslid on all of them, I don't take two, I don't  take walks around the neighborhood,  I thought about riding my bike so long that I thought about (and did) give it away.  Only one of my great plans has finally come to fruition.  I've kicked the Diet Coke habit, and aspartame and soda habit.  It's been 6 weeks and I will never go back. Never.  I may even write a post about the evils of diet coke.  To see what I wrote in 2009, look at "God's Elixir".

I feel like I am baby-stepping all over again, but I am starting before scratch.  I'm concerned about my health, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, various aches and pains, I'm concerned about my looks as I get close to 30, and I am really concerned about my ability to sing and act without getting outta breath.
I still have wild fantasies about putting on a cabaret show of some sort, and don't have the stamina to sing and be adorable and engaging for more than 15 minutes or so.  So, there's that.

Besides giving up Diet Coke,  I am working hard on giving up "high fructose corn syrup" and giving up deep fried foods, except KFC.  Sorry, I refuse to give that up, but only have about 4 times a year.  I am least successful with the "HFCS" cuz it is everywhere, everywhere!  Auntie Em!  Baby-stepping, Baby-stepping.  I'm BACK!

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